Claim Your CLF Inner Reeve Challenge T-Shirt!


Thank you for your donation! If you've done your social media post and donated of any size, you're now eligible for a limited-edition "Find Your Inner Christopher Reeve" T-Shirt.

Please be sure to complete the form below soon after you donate to receive your CLF Inner Reeve Challenge T-Shirt. Supplies are limited.

Once you receive your T-Shirt, we hope you will post a photo sporting your new T-Shirt and reiterating your support for the cause!

Don’t forget to tag the Chaffin Luhana Foundation (@ChaffinLuhanaFoundation) and #CLFInnerReeveChallenge so we can see your posts!

See below for terms and conditions.

Get Your Free T-Shirt!

T-Shirt Gift Rules:
1)A donation of any size is required to receive a t-shirt.

2) One t-shirt per person.

3) While supplies last.